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MHI-01 - Ancient and Medieval Societies Solved Assignments

Course Code: MHI-01
Assignment Code: MHI-01/AST/TMA/2019-20
Total Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions.
The assignment is divided into two Sections 'A' and 'B'. You have to attempt at least two questions from each section in about 500 words each. All questions carry equal marks.

Section - A
4. What do you understand by Nomadic Empire? Discuss the pattern of Nomadic migration during the period of your study. 20

5. Write short notes on any two of the following in 250 words each: 10+10
i) Belief system in Neolithic society
ii) Burial method in Shang Civilization
iii) Comitia Centuriata 
iv) Religious life of the Inkas and the Aztecs

Section - B
8. Discuss the overseas trade of Indian merchants in the 15th century. What was the impact of Portuguese on Indian overseas trade? 20
9. Give a brief account of the developments in the area of science and technology in medieval period. 20
10. Write short notes on any two of the following in 250 words each: 10+10
i) Anabaptists
ii) Rise of Islam in Arab
iii) Towns of Arab and Islamic World
iv) Family in medieval Europe.

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