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MHI-04 POLITICAL STRUCTURES IN INDIA Solved Assignment 2019-20

Course Code: MHI-04
Assignment Code: MHI-04/AST/TMA/2019-20
Total Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. The assignment is divided into two Sections 'A' and 'B'. You have to attempt at least two questions from each section in about 500 words each. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Analyse in brief the process of transition from territorial states to empire in the age of the Buddha. 20
2. Explain the nature of political organization at local level between 8th to 12th centuries A.D. in Peninsular India. 20
3. Discuss different interpretations explaining the nature of the state under the Mughals. 20
4. Write a note on the nature of the colonial state and its political economy. 20
5. Write short notes in about 250 words each on the following: 10+10 (a) Textual sources for the Delhi Sultanate (b) Administrative structure in the Princely States.

6. Explain the administrative and institutional structures under the Pallavas. 20
7. Discuss the administration of the Mauryas. 20
8. Give a brief account of Nayaka and Ayagar system during the Vijayanagara rule. 20
9. How did the Colonial and the nationalist legacy influence in shaping the postcolonial Indian polity? 20 10. Write short notes in about 250 words each on the following: 10+10
(a) Classification of law in Ancient India
(b) The Mansab System under the Mughals.

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