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MWG 002 Gender and Power Solved  Assignment  2021

Course Code                       : MWG 002

Course Title                        : Gender and Power

Assignment No.                 : MWG 002/AST/TMA-2020

Statement Regarding Plagiarism Please write all answers in your own words. Assignments with plagiarized material (copied directly from course books or any other external sources) will be marked ZERO. Please read statement on Plagiarism provided in the Programme Guide.

Maximum Marks 100

Answer any two questions. All questions carry equal marks. Write each of the answer in not more than 1500 words. (50 x 2 = 100)

Q1. Watch Hindi film “Thappad”, directed by Anubhav Sinha released in February 2020. Write a feminist critique of the film by discussing concepts and theories of patriarchy, gender and power, gender stereotypes/identity/roles and autonomy, and family and marriage. Please don’t write the story of the film but discuss scenes/dialogues to support your answer. Read Block 1 and Unit 1 of Block 4 for academic grounding of your answer.

Q2. Read the editorial article “Who Wins, Post Pandemic” that appeared in Times of India, Delhi Edition on July 21, 2020 on page 12. Find out another media report about a woman leader who handled the Covid19 pandemic situation differently and is praised for containing the spread and being more accessible. In the light of these reports, do you think “Women make better leaders”? Write your answer based on the theories and concepts covered in units of block 1 and 4.

Q3. Write an essay on “Gender Issues and Challenges during Covid-19 Pandemic” in national and international perspectives. Give examples from you family/work situations, neighbourhood and incidents reported in media. (Provide clippings/matter along with the link along with your answer.


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