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MPYE-003 Epistemology Solved Assignment 2021-22


1)Give answer of all five questions.

2) All five questions carry equal marks.

3) The answer of questions no. 1 and 2 should be in about 500 words.

1. a) What is naturalized epistemology? Write some implications of Naturalized Epistemology.

b) How one can grasp the meaning of a sentence according to Mimamsa Philosophy?


2. Write an essay on knowledge as justified true belief. Do you think that this definition of knowledge is justified? Give arguments to support your answer.  

a) Compare Abhihitanvayavada and Anvitabhidhanavada.

b) What are the conditions required to be a meaningful sentence? Explain with examples.


 When you say, “I know x’, what do you want to say in saying this? Compare between Idealist and Realist outlook on the concept of knowledge.

3. Give answer of any two questions in about 250 words each.  

a) Write an essay on the relation between metaphysics and epistemology.

b) What is language game? Explain the shift from picture theory to language game theory.

c) Write a note on the Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur’s idea of hermeneutics.  

d) Compare ideal language theory of Bertrand Russell with ordinary language theory of G. E. Moore.

4. Give answer of any four questions in about 150 words each.  

a) What is the relation between concept and proposition?

b) Compare akhyativada and anyathakhyativada.  

c) Discuss Pragmatic theory of truth.  

d) Critically evaluate the coherence theory of truth.

e) What do you understand with ‘the capacity of the text’?

f) Write a short note on the distinction between ‘first order assertion’ and ‘second order assertion’ in Performative theory of truth.

5. Write short notes on any five in about 100 words each.

a) Pravrittisamarthya

b) Svata Pramanyavada

c) Arthakriyakaritva  

d) Confirmational Holism  

e) Theory-Ladenness of observation

f) Vyanjana

g) Upamana

h) Apohavada


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